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December 31, 2010

The seduction of a brand new year. No mistakes, no regrets. Not a negative thought, or comment, not one fast-food meal, or box of sugar babies. No devotions or exercising skipped. It’s enough to make me want to stay in bed, and keep it all perfect.

Alas, that can’t happen. So I’ll get up and get going, make mistakes, have regrets, think thoughts and say things I’ll want to grab back. Likely eat a fast food meal here or there (although after 2800 + miles on the road I’m over that right now!). If I can finish Revelations today (all in one reading I’m ashamed to say) then Genesis is waiting, fresh and clean, tomorrow morning.

So what am I hoping for this year, what goals am I leaning toward, what resolutions?  My husband is proud to say he’s never made a single resolution! That’s okay – I make enough for both of us. Last year’s list was a bit short, and I honestly don’t remember them all, but one was to stay in touch with my parents more, and I’ve done that. I’ve been mightily blessed by doing that. That’s a good one to write down in permanent marker.

This year’s list has a long reading list, dealing with 30+ years of photographs that are a burden right now, loving on my husband, kids, grandkids, family and friends. Reading Genesis – Revelation in even pieces and not skipping Leviticus. Ten pounds off both of us and fighting grandma flab, getting rid of stuff, and putting into action, for the first time, my ‘word of the year’.

Blogging has changed a lot in the past 4 1/2 years since I began, but one blessing that has stood the test of that time is getting to know a few people around the blogosphere that are a true blessing. One of them is Becky, at Keys to the Cottage. She’s chosen a word to live by for the past few years, and highly recommends it, so I’m going to start with that.


My verse of the year, to accompany my word: ‘Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.’ 1 Samuel 3:9

I saw a comment that said, ‘what’s the point to celebrating a new year?’ Oh my! The point is grace! The point is a clean slate! The point is fresh starts! Thank you, God, that I can / we can choose that any day.

Happy 2011 everyone.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. December 31, 2010 10:15 am

    Happy New Year, Bev! You always inspire me with your goals and projects, and the way you not only make them, but follow through with them:-)

    I have been working on resolutions for this new year, too, and at the top is being more intentional. Life is such a gift, and I want to make the most of every moment I have been blessed with, so that is where I am starting. (I also have quite a few weight loss and health goals to add, but I think much of it will follow if I am just being intentional in general.)

    Hope you have another wonderful year!

  2. December 31, 2010 10:44 am

    Have a AWESOME New Year! What a “blessing” it has been to find you again and reconnect… your blog is such an inspiration to me too and brings back memories of who you are. It has been forever since we have seen each other but I think we could just pick up where we left off and love each others changes!! HUGS….

  3. December 31, 2010 12:05 pm

    I am so glad you are doing this. He never disappoints when we ask Him to show us how to do something. Watch out! You’ll be changed!

    You are a special blessing to me as well my friend. So glad to know you and “see” you here as often as I want.

    And I really, really love that comment at the end of your post. A clean slate indeed! Every day if we need it! … and who doesn’t?

  4. December 31, 2010 2:22 pm

    You have been a “blog-land blessing” too! Happy New Year!

  5. January 1, 2011 8:29 pm

    Listen is a very good year. It will be interesting to hear what all He tells you!!! Mine last year was “vulnerable” and boy have I been vulnerable to a lot this year. My 2009 word was Unity. Let me tell you I liked Unity a lot better!!!!

    I’m still toying and praying about the 2011 word. I’ve got a few but the Lord hasn’t really shown me yet…..maybe I should borrow yours, only for tonight!!!, and LISTEN. :o)

  6. January 3, 2011 10:41 pm

    Grace? Clean slates? Fresh starts? I’m in. 🙂

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